Saturday, October 29, 2016

WiseGirl: Impermanence Part 2, with Francesca MAxime

In today's WiseGirl video chat, Brooklyn-based journalist, poet, and author Francesca Maxime continues her talk about impermanence and how self-compassion and relaxing in the present moment helps us handle the vagaries of the ups and downs of life. She invites us to listen to our bodies and sensations that arise that can create certain emotions we may judge as "bad" or "good," and instead of acting/reacting right away, to give ourselves 60-90 seconds to just follow our breathing, with awareness, and then see if we still want to respond the way we might have originally, or if we created enough space to respond with a more grounded and balanced sense of ourselves and the whole situation, whatever it may be.

WiseGirl: Impermanence, by Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author

In today's #WiseGirl video chat, I talk about impermanence (Part 1) and how meditation helps us relate better not to WHAT happens, but teaches us more skillfl ways as to how we RESPOND to what happens. I get a little choked up at the end but it's all good -- I'm fine. Again, acceptance and resting in the present moment, knowing that "bad feelings" are also impermanent, as are good ones. #impermanence #meditation #presence #awareness #OKtobesad #OKtofeeljoy #love Francesca Marguerite Maximé Francesca Marguerite Maximé, TV Show Host, Journalist, Poet Francesca Marguerite Maximé Francesca Marguerite Maximé Francesca Maxime Fan Page Francesca Marguerite Maximé

Friday, October 28, 2016

WiseGirl (Bonus): No Filter, with Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Au...

In this bonus #WiseGirl chat, I talk about removing the makeup and getting rid of our filters and letting go of who we think we should have been, or could be, and relaxing in who we are. #nofilter #nomakeup#letitgo

Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author

In today's #WiseGirl video chat, Brooklyn-based journalist, poet, and author Francesca Maxime talks about Presence versus distraction, attempts at control, and how if we truly believed there was nothing wrong with us -- with who we fundamentally are -- we may open to resting in the present moment and staying curious to what unfolds, rather than attaching ourselves to a preconceived or fixed notion of what we "should" be doing, or what is "right" based on efforts to control. #meditation #mindfulness #presence #control #letgo #beherenow #acceptance #relax #wisdom #discernment

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

WiseGirl: Neuroplasticity1, Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author

 Today I talk about core self-beliefs, and how neuroplasticity and modifications in behavior like savoring positive experiences can help us live happier lives. #mindfulness #meditation #neuroplasticity #savor

Monday, October 24, 2016

Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author

Brooklyn-based journalist, poet, and author Francesca Maxime talks about disruption and how we can disrupt our thinking minds to see things with fresh eyes and create new ways of thinking and live a better, happy healthier life!

WiseGirl, by Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author in NYC

In today's #WiseGirl, I talk about creating space within ourselves and how that allows us to respond versus react more appropriately to everyday situations.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author

In today's #WiseGirlvideo, Brooklyn-based journalist, poet, and author Francesca Maxime talks about cultivating inner wisdom and what she even means by "WiseGirl." She invites you to weigh in and share your thoughts on the term. Francesca believes there is an inner knowing within all of us - girls/women and guys/men (play on words, with the WiseGuy!) that we can listen to and cultivate. It's a way of kinesthetically and somatically recognizing the sensations in our body as they arise, and listening to what they have to tell us, so we can then make thoughtful, rational choices and cultivate appropriate responses to situations that previously may have baffled us. It's about listening to our best selves and acting out of a place of inner trust and love, and not just reacting out of a place of fear. It's about tapping into our unique inner wisdom. If we stay curious, open, and listen to our gut, we can invite our own inner wisdom to come forth and emanate and help guide us through toward making more appropriate skillful decisions in our lives.  #wisdom #innerwisdom #meditation#mindfulness #awake #wakefulness#community #compassion #instinct #gut#somatic #fear #love #trust #brooklyn#newyorkcity #nyc

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author

Published on Oct 12, 2016

In today's WiseGirl, Brooklyn-based journalist, poet, and author Francesca Maxime talks about mindfulness and meditation: how it's not just about clearing your mind and trying to get calm, but rather, noticing your thoughts as they come and go, seeing them as just thoughts, and recognizing that we can be compassionate towards ourselves if we somehow think they're "bad thoughts." Some people talk about the process as being your own "witness" -- getting into the practice of simply observing how your mind works, without judgement.

Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author