Friday, December 30, 2016

WiseGirl: Relaxation v. Laziness

In today's #WiseGirl video, I talk about relaxation v. laziness, and if we can somehow learn to truly relax vs. allow our inner critic to call us lazy, that we can open to a whole new place of wellbeing, filled with better communication and more satisfying relationships with our own self, and others.

WiseGirl: Vulnerability v. Venerability, w/ Francesca Maxime, meditation...

In today's #WiseGirl, I talk about how connecting with our inner venerability can also help us stay dignified and noble, when we're feeling vulnerable.

WiseGirl: Wonder vs. Wondering, with Francesca Maxime, meditation teache...

In this #WiseGirl video, I talk about how we can recall a child's sense of wonder, curiosity, and inquiry, and let go of the "wondering" feeling that often causes us anxiety, fear, or shame. I invite you to open up to new possibilities in 2017 and see if we can't be like little children and open to our lives with new eyes, and see things fresh, as if for the first time.

In today's #WiseGirl, I talk about how connecting with our inner venerability can also help us stay dignified and noble, when we're feeling vulnerable.WiseGirl: Vulnerability v. Venerability, w/ Francesca Maxime, meditation...

In today's #WiseGirl, I talk about how connecting with our inner venerability can also help us stay dignified and noble, when we're feeling vulnerable.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

WiseGirl: Intentions v. Resolutions, with Francesca Maxime: Journalist, ...

In this WiseGirl: Intentions vs. Resolutions, first broadcast on Facebook Live, I'm talking about resolutions and how being resolute isn't necessarily how I'm going to approach this coming year. How perhaps setting our "intentions" may be more helpful than something that may feel inflexible or binding, like "resolutions."

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chai'n'Chat #12 ~ Unconditional Love And Romantic Love

Here’s my chat with Krishna Das on unconditional Love vs. Romantic Love. It’s a doozy! ;) He’s the best;) Thanks KD!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

WiseGirl: Generosity -- Giving & Receiving, with Francesca Maxime: Journ...

In today's #WiseGirl video, I talk about how this is the season of giving, and how receiving can be a form of generosity.

In today's #WiseGirl video, I talk about how we tend to run towards praise but run away from blame, and how those ideas of grasping and aversion can lead to our suffering. She also discusses ways in which we can return to a centered self through meditation and mindful breathing to cultivate an inner balance that allows us to respond and not react to situations, nor attach a story to other people's comments about us, whatever they may beWiseGirl: Praise & Blame, with Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author

In today's #WiseGirl video, I talk about how we tend to run towards praise but run away from blame, and how those ideas of grasping and aversion can lead to our suffering. She also discusses ways in which we can return to a centered self through meditation and mindful breathing to cultivate an inner balance that allows us to respond and not react to situations, nor attach a story to other people's comments about us, whatever they may beWiseGirl: Praise & Blame, with Francesca Maxime: Journalist, Poet, Author